Wonky Vinyl Wall Clock

Arts and crafts are the future. The recession has meant we've all tip toed around our bank accounts, some more than others, others not enough. Most boutiques will play host to a bunch of bits and bobs that look the part, cost a part more, and appear like we could probably make it ourselves if we gave half an arse.

Encouraging this revolution, we give you a Do-It-Yourself-You-Lazy-Git-And-Get-Creative option to your very own Wonky Vinyl Wall Clock. 

Dig up your mums favourite Barry Manilow EP and let's have some fun...


Find A Record
We're not going to take any responsibility for you picking your favourite 12" and warping it into the irretrievable, so please do pick something you couldn't give two shitty sticks about. The thinner the vinyl too, the easier it will be to manipulate and bend to shape!

Slap it in the Oven
Turn the heat up, and leave in the oven for a few minutes. Put it on an old baking tray so you can whip it out with ease,as you'll need to pull it out fast (she said) and continue on to the next step...

Shape it up
Find a flat surface, and while it's still hot and flimsy, hold 2-4 inches in from the record edge down on to the surface until it cools down. The record will appear like the image just below, leaving you with a point of balance for when your clock is complete. Don't worry about making sure it's completely flat, as it doesn't matter too much, and looks pretty cool like this anyway.

Taking Apart a Clock
Raiding your mums loft space once more, find an old clock, and dismantle it. You know the cheap nasty office clock, or the school classroom one you so often stared up at, hoping for lunch to come quicker or a child on fire so class was dismissed? Take one of these apart. Grab the motor, and the hands, and put aside.

Glue Motor to back of Vinyl
Imitating the clock face set up, attach the motor to the back of your vinyl with some strong adhesive, and place hands back onto your new clock face.

Placing Your Clock
You can drill a small hole in the flattened part, and screw it into your window sill, mantle piece, or wall, as sometimes the balance isn't quite right, and it'll fall off with any sudden movement (in my case, the music being far too loud!)

Enjoy Your Clock!

Now you're done, you can sit back, brag that you made it, and wait for your mum to see if she recognises her offspring's newly found skill set (and her old record).

(I AM) Dain Bramaged

1 Response to "Wonky Vinyl Wall Clock"

Anonymous said :
Monday, March 08, 2010
NICE!! :)!!!! LUV the idea!!! will do it very sooN!!! :)!!

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